Micro & Third Sector Showcase

in partnership with Welsh Government and the Centre for Public Value Procurement

One of the key benefits of the Procurement Act 2023 is to open up public procurement to new entrants, including smaller businesses and social enterprises, so that they can compete for and win more public contracts.

At this year’s Procurex Wales, Welsh Government has teamed up with the Centre for Public Value Procurement at Cardiff University to curate a new feature area, devoted to recognising supplier excellence and innovation amongst micro-businesses, social enterprises, charities and not-for-profit organisations. The area will act as a showcase for the contribution of these small but important suppliers to the public procurement sector in Wales and encourage more of these collaborations in the future.


The 2024 Micro & Third Sector Showcase is dedicated to suppliers operating in the food and drink sector, supplying products and services to schools, hospitals and other public service settings. The cost of exhibition stands in this zone will be subsidised by Welsh Government and expressions of interest are invited from any organisations, based in Wales, that meet the criteria*.

The final selection of participants will be made by an independent panel of experts, with successful suppliers notified at least one month prior to the event. Support will be provided to all successful organisations to ensure their presence at the event is as effective as possible.

Objectives of the Showcase

  • To recognise micro and third sector suppliers who have demonstrated excellence or innovation
  • To inspire other micro-businesses and third sector organisations to develop and enhance their offer and support their further growth and commercialisation
  • To help public procurement professionals to understand the benefits of including micro businesses and third sector organisations within their supply chains
  • To facilitate discussion and collaboration between procurement professionals and micro-businesses / third sector organisations suppliers across a range of sectors

How can I get involved?

  • Organisations interested in being part of the 2024 Micro & Third Sector Showcase at Procurex Wales should complete the online ‘Expression of Interest’ form.
  • The form is relatively straightforward and does not require detailed financial information to be provided at this stage.
  • Expressions of interest are invited before the deadline of Sunday 29th September 2024
  • An independent panel will meet in September to review all completed forms and select approximately 10 suppliers to participate in the Showcase on 5th November.
  • Successful applicants will be notified at least one month before Procurex Wales and invited to join an online workshop in order to help them maximise their involvement in the event.

*Basic qualifying criteria

Your business or organisation must:

  • Be based in (or have a presence in) Wales
  • Be a supplier of products or services relating to the food and drink/hospitality sector
  • Have the ability/ambition to supply to a public body in Wales (eg. local authorities, NHS organisations)
  • Have never been involved in any activity that are grounds for exclusion from a public procurement contract (see pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk))